Thursday, October 6, 2011

Healthy Gamer Challenge update 10-06

Ok guys it has been two weeks and it is time for an update post! I have been as busy as I can be juggling the pain from rehab and the weather.

I have walked a total of 25 miles during this period and have lost another 10 pounds. Bringing my total weight loss to 55 pounds.

So my staring weight was 375 and I now weigh 320, I am happy for the loss.

Every week I find myself having more energy to burn.

As soon as my rehab is done on the 14th, I plan to start jog walking in an attempt to strengthen my cardiovascular system even more.

So what have you guys been up to? Have you gotten up from your desk and game tables getting a bit more active? How about those typical gamer snack, have you swapped any for healthier choices?

Share your experiences below if you'd like.


  1. I have been trying to cut down on my sizes of my meals and spread them out a bit to avoid eating too much in one sitting. Also, I try to avoid eating while working on my hobby now, sometimes I get tempted to have a snack on hand to much on between models.

    Plan to start walking soon to drop some more weight and looking into Sensa also to help train my eating habits as well. I am about 250 and I want to drop down to 220 in about 2 months if possible.

  2. Congrats guys (styx and BigJim). I think it is great you guys are making this commitment to health and exercise. Life is all about balance. Good exercise and nutrition can add years to your life. That is years of extra free time to paint and play with tiny plastic men! No reason we can't all meet up in a sweet seniors home one day and laugh about the silly new 24th edition where mega titans are mandatory troop choices and you need a small truck to transport your tournament 1750 point army.

    I am seriously impressed with your commitment. I think this is one of the most inspirational posts on the 40k networks just now. I am fortunate to be healthy and active myself, but I know that it is sometimes more of a struggle for others. Once your shoulder is recovered and your cardio has ramped up a bit why not try out some different sporting activities? See which ones you like. In my opinion the best way to achieve life long fitness and health is through commitment and finding activities that you really enjoy to do. Swimming, biking, hiking, walking, getting a dog, team sports. All of them improve your fitness if done enough, increase endorphins, etc. Sorry if some of this is clumsy, it is all meant in the most sincere way. Good luck on your journey!

  3. PS-added you on my blog list on my fledgling blog:

  4. I got nowhere this week. Not up or down. It was actually very disappointing because that means I'm going to have to diet even harder as I'm apparently breaking even at the moment. :/

  5. Been removing snack foods from around me. No chips or sodas. Been skipping desserts.

    Do you find yourself sleeping better also after losing all the weight?

  6. I was drinking a can of soda almost every day with my brown-bag lunch at work. I stopped buying it and now I hardly drink any at all. After going through a bit of a sugar withdrawal, I feel much better!

    Keep up the hard work, doing the right thing is never easy, but its worth it!

  7. This summer I was inspired by the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I attempted and failed a 60 day reboot ... but I did make it 15 days and actually lost about 30 pounds. I've managed to keep that off. I'm a big guy (former small college middle linebacker back in the early 90s) back in the day I was a pretty solid, muscular guy. Well twelve years of sedentary living, living in Las Vegas (locals eat all that shit too), etc. took its toll. Last summer I weighed in at 320. I'm down to 290 and though I've changed my diet dramatically I need to do more ... I haven't gained any weight but I'm not losing weight either. I've struggled to incorporate regular exercise, I walk a few times a week, but its not enough I know. My goal is to get to 260 by the end of the year and by next August to be below 230. Eventually I'd like to get back down to somewhere under 210 but at this point I'm taking things one step at a time. I need to get serious about exercise and even notch it up a bit on the diet (though my diet is amazingly good compared to how it was). I look at my five kids under age eight and know that if I don't do something now I'm going to miss out on so much of their lives ... that is what is motivating me to make a permanent change.
    Anyway man hang in there ... its a tough road but its worth it!!

  8. Thanks to my former career as an Army officer, I've always been pretty fit (I weigh in at about 160lbs and 6' tall), but have noticed, as I hit my late 30s, a tendency to spread at the middle. I used to run a lot but some changes at home have made that much harder to do, so I'm focussing on finding ways to do short, heart-rate raising activities at home (running up and down the stairs, for example), and in reducing the amount of fat and sugar in my diet. Crucially, I've started making sure I always take fresh fruit and a bottle of water with me to gaming nights and similar events when the temptation to go for doughnuts and soft drinks might otherwise be too much.

  9. Since December 2010 I have lost 4 stone and I'm counting down the days to my srs on the 1st of November and have been getting things ready for the hospital.

  10. Asian Economy Worsens!
    Recent reports indicate the Japanese banking crisis shows no signs of improving. If anything, it's getting worse.
    Following last week's news that Origami Bank had folded,
    It was today learned that Sumo Bank has gone belly up.
    Bonsai Bank plans to cut back some of its branches.
    Karaoke Bank is up for sale and is going for a song.
    Meanwhile, shares in Kamikaze Bank have nose-dived and 500 jobs at Karate Bank will be chopped. Analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank and staff there fear they may get a raw deal.

  11. No lie, Hefty Gamer here. My wife has been my inspiration recently. Last Christmas she decided she wanted to lose some weight and I watched her go through the Lose/Gain/Lose cycle for a couple Months.

    In her third month though..I noticed her #'s started to go down and stay down rather than rollercoastering. She isn't doing anything crazy..just watching her Calories closely and every so often she goes out for a walk (3 times a week maybe).

    Since last Holiday Season she is down almost 80lbs and it's been astonishing as well as inspirational for me. I try to drink mostly water or Tea when I am thirsty, I've cut out 90% of my Soda consumption, moved the Snacks away from my Hobby Area and when I DO bring them over I take a small bowl rather than the Bag/Box it came in.

    I don't do Fast Food at all's just too easy to blow Calories on very little food if you eat Fast Foods. For my Size I am aiming for about 1800-1900 Calories a Day.

    Ugly Example: Big Mac w/ Medium Fries (no drink) and you are over 1000 Calories on a Burger and Fries =( So yeah no more Fast Food for Hexeter!

    The trick for me has been not to deny everything, your cravings will be your downfall if you try that. Just realize how much you are taking in and scale it back. I still eat potato Chips but rather than an entire bag I take 10-12 chips and leave the bag behind.

    If you want a big wakeup Call check our your Favourite Restaurant online, most of them do Calorie/Nutrition Charts online these days..and look up your favourite dishes. I was STUNNED to learn that one of my Favourite Dishes was over 2000 Calories!

  12. Thanks for the support guys! I am glad some of you have been inspired!

    Neil don't worry we all reach plateaus and stall out from time to time.
