I have a few little updates on various things I'm working on pertaining to the Soul Reapers Chaos Marines.
First up I've enlisted a buddy of mine to help me flesh out the background fluff for the Soul Reapers. I am really excited about this, just wait until you see some of the stuff we are working on.
Secondly I'm thinking about making a Soul Reapers mini-dex like the ones seen on BoLS, for use in casual games. Are you guys interested in helping bang out some of the finer issues like points costs and the like?
Here's the fist of the new units, I would be adding to the mini-dex. They are troops, but like lesser daemons they don't take up a slot. The points value is a work in progress, what do you think should they be more expensive?
Rage Zombies 0-2
WS-3 BS-0 S-3 T-3 W-1 I-3 A-1 LD-5 Points-10
Unit type: Infantry
Number/squad: 10-20 + Skull Champion (Skull Champion points and options can be found on Pg 98 C:CSM)
Wargear: none
Special Rules:
Furious Charge
Rage of Khorne
Hard to Kill
Rage of Khorne:
Due to insatiable rage and hate, Rage Zombies must move every turn. While the Skull champion is live they must move toward the closest enemy unit. If the Skull Champion is killed they become uncontrollable moving and attacking the closest unit friend or foe.
Hard to Kill
Rage zombies are extremely resilient and difficult to take down. To represent this use the rules for Feel no Pain on page 75 of the MRB with the following changes to the dice roll. On a result of 1-4 they are wounded as normal on a result of 5 or 6 the injury is ignored.
The third thing of note is the head for Klytus showed up this evening. Painting will commence tomorrow!

Lastly I finally started painting my Landraider.

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