Njal Stormcaller has always been one of my favorite Space Wolves Heroes. He's got an interesting background and a wonderful looking miniature, even thought the pose is rather static.
Njal Stormcaller's long saga began many years ago upon the cold oceans of Fenris. In ships of wood and skin his tribe put to the sea after their lands sank amidst the trial of fire and water. For many months they wandered the raging oceans of Fenris in search of new lands. After a mighty sea battle they defeated their rivals and took possession of the land born with the turning of the great year. In battle the young Njal fought with such ferocity that not even a full-blooded warrior dare stand before him. Leaping from oar to oar he threw himself upon the enemy ships, clearing the whole decks and casting foes into the engulfing waters.
At the battles end he lay exhausted on the deck, a spear point embedded in his breast. The pall of death lay upon him. Njal's valor would have ended there, doubtless passing into the legends of his tribe, but his bravery had not gone unnoticed. His dying body was plucked from the enemy ship by a Wolf Priest of the Space Wolves and was taken back to Asaheim.
Njal lerned quickly under the wise direction of the mighty Rune Lord Heimdall. Heimdall was the most ancient of the Rune Priests and the cclaimed victor of the Tokaran war. Njal was fighting by his lords side when Heimdall ws slain by a Bloodthirster of Khorne. Njal was not daunted by this massive abomination. Mustering all the power that his anger and grief could generate he succeeded in sending the creature back into the relms of chaos from whence it came. He then summoned up a psychic storm which shattered the remnants of the chaos forces, and brought victory to the hard-pressed Space Wolves. It ws in this way that Njal earned his name of Stormcaller.
Here is my Njal Stormcaller miniature it was probably painted around 1995-6. I'm thinking of doing some touch ups and using him in my newer army. What I am sure of is that I'll update his bse to match the forest bsing I am currently using.
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