The Space Wolf codex has an October release date.
Here is the current round up of all the rumors we have so far.
The Space Wolf codex has an October release date.
LC's are called Wolf Claws in the new codex, you can choose to either re-roll to hit or to wound.
Canis Wolfborn is the new SW SC; He's riding a very big wolf in a not so weird way as that sounds. Let just say those bloodcrushers look like grots!!! Also Canis is power armoured and has 2 wolf claws. The wolf has some cybernetic bits on it.
IIRC taking Canis also allows you to take two cav choices, 1 can be SW mounted on wolves, the other is just wolves.
Njal Stormcaller returns to the Codex with a new model, holding a gnarled staff out before him.
Bjorn the Fellhanded returns to the codex.
All special characters have been resculpted.
Wolf Scouts will remain the same and they also have the option be mounted in a Land Speeder Storm
There will be 2 main plastic kits, however 1 of them can be used to make pretty much every SW troop choice by combining the oooodles of spares on the sprues with normal vanilla marines kits (e.g. a box of devastators plus the extra from the sprues will make your Longfangs. IIRC there are around 30+ heads on the sprue!!! there may also be a special vehicle, but I'm not sure if it's a complete kit or if there will be an upgrade sprue to add to the existing kit.
There's also a funky new way of kitting out your characters called Sagas, it is similar to the Vampiric Powers used by WFB VC, but IMO much more fitting for SW, and very fluffy, in fact it is IMO one of the best ideas GW have had in ages. You choose "sagas" for your characters, perhaps someone with Saga of the monster killer (I made that name up by the way) may be better at killing monsters (high strength things) in some way, although there could be drawbacks to this as he may need to kill so many of such things per game to continue his saga......
Space Wolves gain access to an Assault Cannon Land Raider variant.
The current options for jump packs are going to change. BTW Jump Pack marines are called "Skyriders" in SW Codex.
Plastic Wolfguard Terminators; they are ambidextrous, ie they will have right and left handed weapons options like Stormbolters.
New rumors out of Spain, posted up on BoLS seem to come from the old Warseer rumor thread, posted by Shadowphrakt. These rumors were very dubious, as he was duped.
My oh my. It sounds like there will be quite a bunch of fun stuff in the new codex. I look forward to buying the codex and planning out a nifty army. It's amazing how fast I've turned from almost min/max to almost "cool army" :) And me who only started in the hobby this year:)
ReplyDeleteragnar might have 5s 8a wooow and he gives the unit he joins gets +2a