This is my ‘Ard boys Chaos marine list. There is no way I can afford to travel to the finals this year if I were to be lucky enough to win; so I’ve decided to just play something purely for laughs. This list is purely built to field some of my favorite miniatures.
Locally I’m known as the anti-cookie cutter list guy; I never field more than one cult unit in any of my lists, and it really depends on my mood as to which cult I use. This time I’m not using any.
For my HQ I’ve decided to pick a Sorcerer of Tzeentch. He weighs in at 200 points with a Personal Icon, Warptime and Doombolt. He will be riding either a Bike or a Disc of Tzeentch. I just need to decide which unit I want him to accompany.
For the Elite choices I decided to take two deep striking Terminator squads of four. Each squad will have an Icon of CG, 3 combi-weapons and a heavy flamer. One squad will have combi-meltas and the other will have combi-plasmas. I love the new plastic Termies and it would be a shame not to use them.
The basis of my Troop choices will be 3 squads of 10 basic chaos marines with icons of CG, including a Champion and a Rhino in each. I really like basic Chaos marines and always field 2 squads, no matter what I read on the internet. I will also be bringing 2 squads eight of Lesser Daemons. These guys get a bad rap; they are great for grabbing objectives or supporting units in assault. Besides I have some nifty Beastmen Ungors painted red to represent them; a very classic look for demons IMHO.
For Fast Attack I will be using a squad of 6 Chaos Bikers and a squad of 8 Raptors. The Bikers will have duel melta guns, an icon of CG and a Champ with a fist. The Raptors will have duel Flamers, an icon of CG and a Champ with a fist. Bikes are some of my favorite models in 40k; sure they take finesse to use and are really expensive, but sometimes you’ve gotta say what the Hell!
I’ll finish the list up with three choices from the Heavy Support section. First up a squad of 2 Obliterators, I love these guys, but refuse to spam them. Next I’m gonna take a pair of Defilers each with the flamer dropped for an extra CCW. How can you field a Chaos marine army without fielding the only uniquely Chaos vehicle in the list?
Sorcerer of Tzeentch
Bike/Disc, Warptime, Doombolt, Personal Icon
4 Terminators with 3 combi-melta, Heavy Flamer, 1 Chainfist
4 Terminators with 3 combi-plasma, Heavy Flamer, 1 Chainfist
10 Chaos Space Marines with 2 meltaguns and icon of chaos glory
Aspiring Champion with power fist and combi-flamer
10 Chaos Space Marines with 2 meltaguns and icon of chaos glory
Aspiring Champion with power fist and combi-flamer
10 Chaos Space Marines with 2 Plasma guns and icon of chaos glory
Aspiring Champion with power weapon and melta bombs
8 Lesser Daemons
8 Lesser Daemons
Fast Attack
6 Chaos Bikers with 2 meltaguns and icon of chaos glory
Aspiring Champion with power fist
8 Chaos Raptors with 2 flamers and icon of chaos glory
Aspiring Champion with power fist
Heavy Support
2 Obliterators
Defiler replaces flamer with CCW
Defiler replaces flamer with CCW
Total Points 2466
So I've got 34 points to play with, but have no good ideas of what to do with it; maybe Havoc launchers on the melta squads Rhinos.
Comments and criticisms are welcome as long as they are kept constructive; I know the list is not hard by any stretch of the imagination.
Feel free to manipulate the list to optimize it some more, I do have one of each cult squad at their sacred number.
I figure the army will be fast enough to get up in my opponents face quickly and start dropping the termies and daemons where they are needed most.
There is no doubt you are right a winged DP is probbly the better choice for an HQ, I'm not opposed to swaping out the Sorcerer. What do you think about giving a DP the mark of tzeentch for the 4+ invul and the second power? This way he can use Warptime and have a ranged attack.
I could easily drop the Raptors for 8 Zerkers including a champ with a P.weapon in a rhino, if I leave the Havocs off the Rhinos.
One last thing the Bikers must stay in the list, as I am finally painting them and wanna put 'em on the table.
I have the following in addition to what I’ve used in the original list. So if you are inclined you can build me a better list, but these are all the chaos minis I have at my disposal.
ReplyDelete6 Noise Marines 4 sonic blasters, 1 blastmaster
Aspiring Champion Doom siren and Power weapon
7 Plague Marines with 2 meltaguns 1 with personal icon
Aspiring Champion with power fist
8 Khorne Berzerkers 1 with personal icon
Aspiring Champion with power weapon and melta bomb
9 Thousand Sons
Aspiring Sorcerer with bolt of change
10 Chaos Space Marines with 2 Plasma guns and icon of chaos glory
Aspiring Champion with power weapon and melta bombs
Chaos Dread with Plasma cannon
Landraider extra armor
Vindicator with Possession
Dakka Pred HB sponsons
Pred Destructor with LC sponsons
I also have 10 Possessed Marines with a Possessed Rhino
I have 2 Daemon Princes one with wings and one without.
That Ungor is fantastic as a Blootletter.
ReplyDeleteI may really look into that.
I think it would be better to swap out the sorceror for a winged daemon prince with mark of Tzeentch. I feel that a DP would be more tactically flexible; able to take on various different battle field roles. Jim, feel free to discount my thoughts though; I don't game at all so my opinion is based entirely on my gut feeling.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to put up a new revised list a little later today, it does have DP of Tzeentch in it.