As much as I love the look of a Chaos Lord in Terminator armor, they really aren't that great in game. He has been relegated to story driven play or large points games over 2000 points; where I can field enough Terminators and Landraiders to keep him safe.
Then I got to thinking, if I am usually fielding him in large points games why not spend the extra 110 points and use him as a counts as Abaddon.
Abaddon is a monster, his stats and special rules are befitting the vision I have for Krug.
So I am thinking a conversion may be in order. I'll replace his right lower arm with a Talon of Horus I have in my bitz box. My only trepidation is that he turned out very nice.
What do you guys think?
I think he looks awesome. I'd be loathe to compromise the model significantly just to fit a ruleset.
Abaddon is a monster.
Take a look however, in your chaos codex the entry for the Daemon sword and the talon's overall result is (and I quote) "the effect of these two powerful artefacts means that Abaddon counts as equipped with a Daemon weapon that doubles his stength instead of the normal +1, and he may re-roll any failed wound in close combat" he also gets +d6 attacks.
now Abaddon himself is also kitted out with a twin linked bolter.
Personally I see no issues whatsoever with using this model as a counts as Abbadon pretty much as is. I can't see why a Daemon infested scyth cant give you Abaddon's melee profile so for me all you'd need to do is convert a twin linked bolter and swap it out with the combi-plasma.
I'd go a step further and say that if you did an "entry" for him for a codex where you aly out his stats you could go to any tournament and glady say "thats abaddon" and give them your cool datasheet and no-one would blink.
thats my twopennorth anyhow :)
I think you have a great looking, characterful mini there and I'd personally leave him as he is. But if you desperately need him to match up then I'd follow Karitas' advice and just swap the combi bolter out so that the change is mostly cosmetic without altering the whole balance of the mini. But really, that's one that only you can decide.
ReplyDeleteHow about this?
ReplyDeleteI swap the comi-plasma out like you guys mentioned, and then I find an appropriate sized fist (maybe an Ogre fist) to place on the bottom of the Sythe. The I add three Wolverine styled claws protruding from the fist.
Big Jim, just swop the Combi Plasma for a stormbolter or twin-linked bolter conversion. Leave rest as is. There is nothing saying that scythe blade isn't one of Horus' talons... Abbadon may have one 'Lightning Claw' Talon but your 'Abbadon' has the other hand's talon. Horus had a pair of Lightning claws, so 8 talons.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the input Siph. I have an idea that should cover the WYSIWYG and leave the model almost unchanged. I'm going to do mock up, then I'll post it to see what you think.