"Abandon hope for I am Death Incarnate" -Krug the Beheader

Midus Krug, Captain of the World Eaters Seventeenth Great Company, took the failings of the Heresy bitterly. He was outraged over being forced to retreat from the Walls of Terra only to hide like dogs and cowards in the Eye of Terror. What struck deepest was the slow decent of his Legion. Though the World Eaters were never famed for their professionalism, their conduct or combat tactics, to those within the Legion, there was a core of pride and honor within combat. The Legion's embrace of the Chaos God Khorne had removed all such valor and turned the World Eaters into blood seekers and madmen.
Watching the infection of Khorne enter the ranks of the Seventeenth, Krug decided action was required. Removing his forces from the Legion's fleet, he risked the lives of his brothers to make sure they would not become the fools that his Legion were to become. His actions were gratified when news of the slaughter upon Skalathrax. As the rest of the Legion turned upon itself, the Seventeenth headed deeper into the Eye of Terror.
Coming upon the daemon world of Terkerak, they faced their first battle as an independent force. Krug took the planet by rights of conquest, slaying its former lord, Malekhi, in single combat. Exploring the temple Malekhi had formed for himself, Krug found many passages scribed on the walls about 'reaping souls for the Lords of Chaos'. Believing a greater power than fate had brought him here, the Seventeenth would forever be known as the Soul Reapers.
The texts within the temple told how Malekhi had managed to come to power and he planned to further it; the artifacts of Salmora. The Salmora was a very powerful ancient Daemon Prince; he found and created a total of 12 artifacts. He used the artifacts to wage war against the chosen champions of each of the Dark Gods, in an attempt to ascend to godhood. Seeking the authority to reunite his Legion and destroy the foul Imperium, Krug left his new domain in search of the artifacts.
Using the cover of Abaddon's First Black Crusade to sneak past Imperial defenses, the Soul Reapers have been taking a bloody course across the Imperium till this day. Over time, members of other Legions and Renegade chapters have joined the ranks of the Reapers, swayed by the power Krug promises them.

In their quest to find Salmora the Soul Reapers stumbled across a warp storm located on the North Eastern Fringe near the Ghoul Stars. They named it the Storm of Souls, it is outside of Imperial shipping lanes it is the perfect place to coordinate their search.
Inside the storm their fortress is located on Ehdan a planet covered in ruined cities whose only residents are hordes of mutants, they are all that’s left from the original population. On a large island in the southern hemisphere they found abandoned forges dating back to the dark age of technology. This has been fortunate for the Soul Reapers as they have been able gain favor with the Dark Mechanicus and Obliterator Cult.
Combat Doctrine
The Soul Reapers combat doctrine is still very similar to that of the World Eaters before their fall to Khorne. They still prefer short ranged firefights followed by swift brutal close combat to destroy their opponents.
The Soul Reapers can usually be seen mounted in Rhinos racing toward their enemy so they can disgorge to lay down a withering hail of fire to suppress their prey. Once the enemy is suppressed, they hurl themselves into their foes to deal the final death blow.
The leaders of the Warband methodically plan out their battle plans, because once their troops are committed their blood lust is not easily swayed. This is due to the aggression chips that were placed in the core of the Soul Reapers when they were part of the World Eaters.
The Soul Reapers have an ample supply of Terminator suits due to the Dark Mechanicus forges on Ehdan. Because of this they make great use of teleportation attacks sending their Chosen Terminators in the midst of the enemy.
Over the Centuries the Soul Reapers have fully dedicated themselves to Chaos. They favor no particular Dark God knowing that true strength comes from unity. They are most easily swayed to the dedication of Khorne, with Berzerkers being the most prevalent cult within the Warband; this fact is attributed to the aggression chip. The Soul Reapers do make use of all the Cults if Chaos in very limited numbers. Total dedication to one Chaos God is very closely monitored; so that no particular cult takes hold of the Soul Reapers.
The Soul Reapers believe the only way to exact their ultimate revenge is the find the Salmora artifacts. So far they have collected 3 of the artifacts the first of which was taken from the Daemon Prince Malekhi. Once they have them they know that their Lord will unite the Legions and lead them to victory over the Imperium.
They have made several alliances with few of their former brothers. Even with these alliances they are always careful when dealing with their fallen Brothers. As they loathe them almost as much as those who still serve the Emperor.
Current Disposition
Two thirds of the Soul Reapers are currently deployed to the Ammoriss system; he has had visions of the resting place of the “Minds Eye” one of the powerful Salmora artifacts. Krug is leading the Chaos uprising on Ammoriss with a precarious alliance with a Grand Company from the Iron Warriors, the Warband the Sons of Slaughter and a Warhost of Daemons. The campaign is currently focused on the Southern most continent with the balance of the Chaos forces laying siege to the Pierefoy. The Pierefoy is the political and military hub for the Southern Continent. If the Pierefoy falls the rest of the Southern Continent will be easy pickings.
Krug has sent his two most trusted Sorcerers to the Ridgeback Massif. It is a rugged mountainous area where one of the Salmora artifacts is believed to be hidden. These two travel in secret and avoid any contact with their Chaos allies. For surely the leaders of the other Warbands would want to claim the artifact for themselves. They are performing powerful rituals to taint the population while they search; creating foul Chaos spawn and Rage Zombies to wreak havoc amongst the local population and military.
The final third of the Soul Reapers are currently raiding the Imperial shipping lanes from their base in the Storm of Souls. They are lead by the Soul Reapers most powerful Daemon Prince Vorenous the Reaver. He's a massive killing machine standing almost 20 feet tall.
Good stuff, I look forward to reading more when I get the time. :)
ReplyDeleteI knew there were like minded World Eaters out there who never fully gave into the rage and fury of Khorne. My contingent reaps blood and skulls but we've never forgotten the tactics of the legion.
ReplyDeleteAs far as my over all feeling for the background of the World Eaters I think that there are a lot more World Eaters who aren't mindless berzerkers and I even feel that more berserkers aren't mindless either. Blood lust can take any of them from time to time but common sense and tactics are never forgotten before the battle and it takes a truly lost and short lived World Eater to run out into the enemies guns. My World Eaters for one know when to put their heads down use the Gone to Ground rule.
That's me anyway, I'm just not a fan of over the top all encompassing ideas in the background so I really appreciate your take on the World Eaters. I like your color scheme too though I went with original legion colors. I never lost my pride in the legion despite the turn they took.
Thanks Joe, I appreciate the comments. This is an old version of the background. It has been expanded and changed in some cases. You can find the most recent versions on my Fluff blog.