An inside source tells the guys at Dice Like Thunder that Dark Eldar will be released round October this year. They talk about this in their current episode.
This also strengthens the words of everyone's favorite Pie Man, Harry on Warseer who has implied a Games Day UK release may be in the cards.
A few tidbits from the episode:
The Dark Eldar are very fast and make great use of the deep strike rules.
Haemonculi will be able to take control of opponents run down from assault.
Jet bikes may make hit and run moves, when leaving close combat an enemy model must make a save, if failed the models is removed from the table. (being drug away by the chains attached to the bikes) On the following movement phase the DE Bikes may make a 24 inch move in a strait line and use the captured model to bomb a unit with Str 4 small blast.
The Talos is now a Walker of some sort.
Standard Salt Disclaimer applies: while interesting they my be wrong, so view it with a grain of salt.
I cannot wait to see the Dark Eldar miniatures and Codex; I say bring on October!
Picture yoinked without permission from Mybattllion.com
Better tell Sean over at the Dark Eldar blog to sort his shizzle out then!
ReplyDeleteWe can only hope that the next codex out is for the Xenos. With the release of the new Warhammer Fantasy on the immediate horizon, I doubt we will see any new 40K codexes for awhile. This is good news, hopefully it pans out.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many of their first born's the DE players have had to sacrifice to get this codex!
ReplyDeleteSome Imaginative Ideas in there... Considering where these codices are headed, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see these rules in the book.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure all the current D/E Players are drooling at the possibilities.
If they do decide a GD release I just hope they don't pull the stunt they did with Space Wolves, release the figures but not the codex. There were many angry pups walking around that day including me!
ReplyDeleteThe Talos is supposedly going to be one tough s.o.b to kill. When glanced you -2 on the damage table and when penetrated you -1.
ReplyDeleteIf that's true i'm sold!