Following up on my previous post I will try to layout a few examples and ideas for running really cool hobby events. The main goal here is cinematic theme and making these games fit into a story line of some sort.
As I mentioned before the guys at the
Astronomi-con do a great job running events like these. Another great resource for themed events is the campaign weekends that the guys from
Tempus Fugitives run at Warhammer World in the UK.
There are some great download-able resources on the
Tempus Fugitives website. They have run campaign events set in the Age of the Emperor/Horus Heresy, this next year they are doing a Badab War event called into the Maelstrom. They also have many fan made codecies covering things like the Ad Mech and Dark Mechanicus forces.
Both of these groups run very successful events that the participants rave about. This to me just shows the success of the event model that they have chosen.
Now for the basic ideas that I think would make for a great Hobby Event.
First up is a strong narrative; a great story setting the stage for why the combatants are involved in the fight. I think this is one of the most important aspects for a hobby event, a well thought out story will lead to a much more cinematic event.
Second choosing the right platform for the event. You'll need to decide if you are running a single day campaign styled event, a campaign weekend, themed missions determined by the tables or a combination of these choices.
Thirdly you should determine how teams will be chosen and if there will be bonuses given for teams winning each round.
Those are my basic ideas for what should go into the initial planning for a Hobby Event.
Next time I will go in-depth into each of the categories outlining the different routes you can go with each. Including the benefits and possible down sides that may be involved.