The scenario is still a bit rough, but it's enough done to playtest tomorrow.
Enemy incursions have damaged the sentry grid in sector 22. Three of the sentry relays have been damaged from recent activity. Your team has been tasked with repairing the grid before any more enemy move through the sector.
Sentry Grid is played on a 4ft by 4ft table; at least 50% of the tabletop should be covered in terrain. It is suggested that half of the terrain be of the ‘area’ or ‘LOS blocking’ variety.
Operational Sentry Relays have the following profile. They are toughness 8 with 6 wounds, they have an armor save of 2+ and are shielded with a 5+ Invulnerable save. If a Relay has taken 4 wounds the armor save drops to 4+ and its shielding fails, so no longer benefits from an Invulnerable save. When a Relay is reduced to 0 wounds it is considered non-operational.
The player who goes first in this scenario is the Attacker; the player who goes second is the defender.
All attacking Infantry models gain a single Promethium Bomb at no cost; these bombs are used to destroy operational Sentry Relays.
Promethium Bombs must be set by hand when the model is in base contact with a Relay; they are Strength 8, AP2, causing D3+3 wounds and ignore invulnerable saves. It hits automatically in the assault phase, roll for damage.
All defending infantry models may repair any non-operational Sentry Relay that they are in base contact with at the Beginning of any of their turns; as long as they are not locked in combat.
Place an objective in the center of the table and one in each quarter of the table; so 5 total objectives. The 4 objectives in the quarters must be placed 8 inches from each corner edge of the table.
Players then roll-off using a d6 and the winner chooses to go first or second. The player that goes second then chooses one of the table halves as his deployment area. His opponent will deploy in the opposite table half.
Before deploying any models roll a D6 to determine which two quarters that the defender must repair the non-operational sentry relays in. These are in addition to the non-operational relay at the table center

On a score of 1-3 it is the left objective in the defenders deployment zone and the objective in the opposite quarter on the right side of the attacker’s deployment zone. On a score of 4-6 it is the right objective in the defenders deployment zone and the objective in the opposite quarter on the left side of the attacker’s deployment zone. The attacker’s initial game objectives are the two Operational Relays.
Now starting with the Attacker both sides deploy their teams. No model may be within 10 inches of one of their team’s initial objectives.
Infiltrating models may deploy anywhere on the table as long as they are a minimum of 10 inches away from an enemy model.
The Attackers must destroy all operational Sentry Relays. Both of the Operational Sentry Relays are worth 15 Mission Point each once they have been destroyed.
The Defender must get all Sentry Relays Operational. Each of the Initial 3 non-operational Relays are worth 10 Mission points each once repaired.
Each enemy model killed is worth half its value in Mission Points at the end of the game. However if one side ends the game by having all 5 Sentry Relays either Operational or Non-operational they get full value of killed models in Mission Points.
The game Ends at the beginning of any turn that all 5 Sentry Relays are either Operational or Non-operational.
Once a team is reduced to 25% (rounding up) of its starting model count, it must take a leadership test at the beginning of each of its turns. If this leadership test is passed, then the team continues to function as normal. If a team fails its leadership test, the team is considered routed, it is removed from play and the game ends.
Note: If you are using two teams in the group, then each group tests for leadership independently. In order for the game to end, both teams in the group must fail their leadership test.