Friday, February 26, 2010

GiF update and things to come

Hey guys, I've been busy with real life issues, sorry it's been a little slow round here.

I am getting ready to post a quick update on Monday for the the Soul Reapers Mini-dex. Nothing major just couple of tweaks.

I will post finished pictures of Xusia the Sorcerer on Sunday afternoon.

I have a few more Homebrew articles to finish and post in the next few weeks also.

I posted my planned Space Wolves list for the upcoming Ragnarok GT in San Fransisco over on the SW blog. While preparing for the event things will slow down here on GiF a little bit. As I need to convert and paint a bunch of miniatures for the tourney.

Playtesting of the Soul Reapers is going strong and will continue while I work on my Wolves. So all in all lots of good stuff from me coming you way soon. I will keep you guys informed on what I am doing between the two blogs every Friday in an update post like this.



  1. Hope I have helped and not hindered :) with my my ideas, since I have only been published twice.

  2. Dee, your input has been helpful.


  3. Sorry Jim was feeling a bit low, zero conversion skill.

  4. Dee, it's ok, I know how you feel and have been there too.

